Archive for October 2019
Voter Information
VOTER INFORMATION VOTER REGISTRATION Registration You can register to vote two ways: Contact the Town Clerk and she will give you a registration form to fill out and return to her with necessary documentation. Sign up online on You can also check your voter status and see what will be on your ballot for…
Read MoreFireworks Permit
Fireworks Permits Permits to use fireworks in the Town of Clover are required. There is no fee charged, however, a permit form needs to be filled out, signed and signed by the Town Clerk. Without the Clerk’s signature, the permit is invalid. Please request your fireworks permit forms from: Tracy Gillespey, Clerk Town of…
Read MoreAnnual Dog License
ANNUAL DOG LICENSE Dog Licenses expire December 31 and all dogs in the township must be vaccinated and licensed. According to Dog License Law, Chapter 174, Wisconsin Statutes, any dog over the age of 5 months must be licensed annually. The fee for this license is $5.00 for a neutered male or spayed female or…
Read More2022 Bark Bay Landing Annual Parking Permit
2023 BARK BAY LANDING ANNUAL PARKING PERMIT Cost is $40.00 for the year–January 1 through December 31 You can pay online (a convenience fee has been added), OR You can submit this form to the Treasurer and then drop off or mail your check, OR You can print this form and return it…
Read MoreOrdinance #20190410-1, South Shore Area Ambulance Service
Town of Clover Ordinance #20190410-1, Governing the Organization and Regulation of the South Shore Area Ambulance Service Whereas, Wisconsin §256.12 Emergency Medical Services establishes the authority for the Town’s Emergency Medical Services, and Whereas, there being no Ordinance governing the organization and regulation of the South Shore Area Ambulance Service governed by the Town…
Read MoreOrdinance #20190213-2, Municipal Records Schedule
Town of Clover Ordinance #20190213-2, Adopting the Wisconsin Municipal Records Schedule Section I. Purpose The Purpose of this Ordinance is to provide the legal custodian(s) of public records in the possession of the Town of Clover with the authority to retain and destroy those records. Section II. Authority The Town Board of the…
Read MoreOrdinance #20131113-1, Damage to Roadside Mailboxes and/or Posts
Town of Clover Ordinance #20131113-1, Liability for Damage to Roadside Mailboxes and/or Posts Town of Clover, Wisconsin Section I, Purpose: A. It is acknowledged that the placement of safe and accessible mailboxes on the Town of Clover right-of-ways is governed by the United States Postal Service B. The Town of Clover Board finds it…
Read MoreOrdinance #20170913-3, Amend #20130814-2, Herbster Gymnasium
Town of Clover Ordinance #20170913-3, Amendment to Ordinance #20130814-2, Use of the Historic Herbster Gymnasium (The Gym) Amends Section I., Policies for use of the Historic Herbster Gymnasium (The Gym) “… Exceptions can be made for such things as health screening, and immunization clinics. he Town Board may make exceptions for non-profit organizations.” This…
Read MoreOrdinance #20170913-2, Seasonal Weight Limits
Town of Clover Ordinance #20170913-2, Ordinance Establishing Seasonal Weight Limits The Town Board of the Town of Clover, Bayfield County, Wisconsin and the Officer in charge of maintenance of Town highways have the specific authority under §349.15 and §349.16, Wis. Stats., to adopt this Ordinance. The Officer in Charge of maintenance of the Town…
Read MoreOrdinance #20170913-1, Designate a Class “B” Highway
Town of Clover Ordinance #20170913-1, Ordinance to Designate a Class “B” Highway The Town Board of the Town of Clover, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, has the specific authority under §349.15, Wis. Stats., to adopt this Ordinance. This Ordinance, adopted by a majority of the Town Board on a roll call vote with a quorum present…
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