Ordinance #20131113-1, Damage to Roadside Mailboxes and/or Posts

Town of Clover

Ordinance #20131113-1, Liability for Damage to Roadside Mailboxes and/or Posts

Town of Clover, Wisconsin


Section I, Purpose:

A. It is acknowledged that the placement of safe and accessible mailboxes on the Town of Clover right-of-ways is governed by the United States Postal Service

B. The Town of Clover Board finds it necessary to establish further policies governing the placement of posts and mailboxes

C. On occasion, damage may be done to roadside mailboxes during snow removal and other highway maintenance operations

D. Therefore, the Town of Clover Board does exercise its authority under Section 345.05, 82 and 60 State Statute in order to promote public safety and welfare


Section II, Recommendations for Installation or reinstallation of Mailboxes &/or Posts from 1 month after the date of this ordinance:

A. Consult with the Town Crew for assistance in placement prior to installing a post and/or mailbox

B. Installation of swing arm type posts for mailboxes are strongly encouraged

C. Install posts so as not to impede water flow in the ditch

D. Set the mailbox back from the edge of the road surface no less than 8-12 inches


Section III, Responsibility for Damage to Mailboxes &/or Posts from the date of this Ordinance:

A. The Town of Clover and its employees are not responsible for damages to mailboxes that do not meet the requirements of this Ordinance including damage done to mailboxes and/or posts during highway maintenance operations or by snow that is discharged during snow removal operations.

B. If a mailbox and/or post is damaged by direct contact with Town of Clover maintenance equipment, the Town of Clover will reimburse the property owner no more than the sum of $60 for a post and $40 for a mailbox.

C. The resident property owner must file a mailbox and/or post damage report within 30 days of the incident (see Attached)

D. Non-resident property/absentee owners may file a mailbox and/or post damage report within 30 days of returning to their property


Adopted this 13th day of November, 2013


Beverly M. Steele, Chairperson

Barbara Rebak, Supervisor

Mervin Shaffer, Supervisor

Jack Smith, Supervisor

Patti Stemwedel, Supervisor


Attest:     Bruce Lindgren, Clerk