TOC Board Meeting, March 9, 2022

Town of Clover – Meeting Notice

Board Meeting

March 9, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall (gym)

At August 11, 2021, board meeting motion carried to require masks for all at government meetings with dais to be placed adequate distance from all and that speakers remove mask only when speaking, further that the board social distance the tables as to be able to remove mask to speak and replace when done speaking.


Call to order

Roll call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of agenda

Public comment: Public comment will be heard during discussion of business.

Approval of minutes of the February 9, 2022 Board Meeting

Treasurer’s report February

Approval of expenditures* See batch T-0309

Business: Discussion and action may occur on any of the following agenda items.

Consider ending the requirement to social distance and wear masks at all government meetings.

Application for Short-Term Rental License by John Nixon for property at 87180 Old School Road.

Application by Robert and Jennifer Schierman to rezone property at 86650 Lenawee Road from A-1 to R-RB.

Application for conditional use permit by Burt Huyck, Sherry Huyck, Lisa Huyck, and Phillip Huyck for property at 16930 State Hwy. 13.

Invitations to bid to supply road gravel to the Town of Clover.

Establish format for Town of Clover Annual Meeting.

Extended stay camping at Town of Clover Campground.



Town Plan Commission:

Fire Department: McGuire

Ambulance: Stemwedel

Town Park/Campground: Smith

Playground: Isaksson

Roads: Fuller

Boat Parking and Launch: Isaksson

Transfer Station: Fuller

Cemetery: Fuller

Gym: Fuller

Bark Bay Slough: Fuller

Future agenda:


* Towns may adopt an alternative claims procedure ordinance under Wis. Stat. § 60.44(2) that provides an expedited process for paying all or select types of bills. This ordinance delegates primary approval authority to the clerk and allows signed checks to be distributed by the treasurer before being approved by the town board. Clerks then present a monthly list of paid claims to the town board for approval after the fact.


Agenda prepared by the Town Chair


Notice and agenda posted by the Town Clerk on or before 7:00 PM Tuesday, March 8, 2022. Posting is at the Town Hall, Fire Hall, and Post Office.  Notice and agenda are also distributed by email.

The Town Hall is accessible to those persons with physical disabilities.  For assistance please contact the Town Office at 715-774-3780.