SD Meeting Minutes, November 8, 2023

Town of Clover Sanitary District #1

Meeting Minutes


Wednesday, November 8, 2023 to follow immediately after the Town Board Meeting, likely by 8:00 PM or later in the Meeting Room of the Town Hall/Historic Gymnasium. 

The public is invited to attend, you may walk at any time even though the door is closed—for heat conservation–, you will need to sign for the record, but there is no requirement to sign in separately if you wish to speak during the Public Comment Periods.  You may comment on anything that is not on the agenda during the General “Public Comments”.  You may comment on any specific Agenda Item prior to the Commissioners discussion.  All comments by a specific person will be limited to three (3) minutes.

NOTE:  Packets are available for review at the office 1/2 hour prior to the Regular Board Meeting.  This would be at 6:30pm.


Call to Order: 7:36 p.m.

Roll Call: Steele, Pope, Smith, Rebak, Morelli    Absent: Felt, Mintzlaff

Public Comment:

Minutes of: (see Packets)

  • October

Treasurer’s Reports: (see Packets)

  • October

ExpendituresMotion to approve batch S-1108

Motion by: Pope/sRebak to approve batch S-1108

carried unanimous.



  • Operations:
    • Fall discharge from both ponds is complete.
    • Lift Station #2 failed and needed to be cleaned to allow repairs,
      • this was done by the Duluth Vacuum truck that was in Washburn at the time, thus travel time was not an issue.
      • WiikiBonInnini was needed to make the repairs that are complete and the station if functioning well
        • It has been greater than 11 years since repairs were needed on this Lift Station
      • While the Duluth Vacuum truck was here, the main was cleaned from Old School Road east to the end. This portion of the line had been sluggish.
      • All the Lift Stations are due for a power wash this year & video of the entire system was due last year. This was discussed with the Duluth vacuum company and they suggested that next year we schedule the video by them.  They have the capability of making a detailed map of the mains plus the laterals with depths and locations of all hook-ups to the main.  This information would be very helpful for any future hookups and also for any repairs of laterals with mains, as the exact location of the problem would be known so that no probing for location would be needed.
      • All the usual monthly inspection, testing and reports were completed.
      • Annual to twice annually Robust Preventive Maintenance performed in October:
        • All Valves inspected and exercised.
        • Flow meter calibrated
        • Manholes 601+605 & 504-509 received deep dive inspections with 2 people, gas meter, harness, & tripod
        • Wier checked for placement and flow (2 men & walkie talkie)
        • Weed whipped Lift Station
      • Raw Lab Reports: within normal limits
      • Metered Gallons:
        • September
      • Dump Station Reports: September
        • Birch Street: 51250 Gal estimated with no outside dumps seen.
        • #2: 3340 Gal, all in Clover
      • Rain/Snow Fall in inches: September unavailable at this time.
      • Mowing at the ponds is complete for the year.
    • WDPES for 2024-2029: a draft of this was sent and reviewed.  It went from 5 pages to 17.  The Final Permit should be received prior to 2024.  There is a need to review the Robust Maintenance Program to see if any additions are needed based on the new WDPES.

Business: (NOTE: Public Comments specific to any agenda item will be taken prior to the particular agenda item, these will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker.  Following this, the discussion will be limited to Elected Officials, unless an Elected Official requests specific information from a member of the Public)

Business:  No new business

Any Further Agenda Items for Next Month or Later:

  • Discussion/Likely Action related to Appendix A—Steele


  • Motion to adjourn 7:44 p.m.


Minutes prepared by the Commission Secretary.

  • Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Commission.