TOC Sanitary District Minutes March 13, 2024

Town of Clover Sanitary District #1

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 to follow immediately after the Town Board Meeting, likely by 8:00 PM or later in the Meeting Room of the Town Hall/Historic Gymnasium. 

The public is invited to attend, you may walk at any time even though the door is closed—for heat conservation–, you will need to sign for the record, but there is no requirement to sign in separately if you wish to speak during the Public Comment Periods.  You may comment on anything that is not on the agenda during the General “Public Comments”.  You may comment on any specific Agenda Item prior to the Commissioners discussion.  All comments by a specific person will be limited to three (3) minutes.


Call to Order: 8:06 p.m.

Roll Call: Steele, Smith, Rebak, Felt, Gillespey, Mintzlaff, Morelli (by video), absent Pope, Maureen Felt, Roger Pikus, Jen Schierman, Pete Berton, Lacey Lueth

Public Comment:

Minutes of: (see Packets)

  • February

Treasurer’s Reports: (see Packets)

  • February

ExpendituresMotion to approve batch S-0313

Motion by: Felt/sRebak to approve batch S-0313

carried unanimous.


Reports:  See below for Reports


  • Discussion/Likely Action related to hiring a back up to the Operator-in-Chief—Steele
  • Discussion/Likely Action related to changes to the Employee Handbook 2nd to Non-Compliance Letter received from the DNR:–Steele
    • Procedure for Communications both Internal and External and including Disaster

By consensus with revisions

  • Reporting Procedure for Unscheduled Spills or Bypass of Untreated Wastewater
  • Emergency Information for the Town of Clover Sanitary District

Any Further Agenda Items for Next Month or Later:

  • Discussion/Likely Action related to Appendix A—Steele

CMOM updates



  • All the usual monthly inspections, testing and reports were completed for February including the monthly DNR Report.
  • Raw Lab Reports: within normal limits
  • Dump Station Reports:
    • Birch Street: Steele wrote Rachel re: significant difference between estimated and actual for both December and January seeking some solution to this problem, with as yet no response.
      • December Estimated: 16,000 Gal; Actual=45,850 Gal Big Difference  All within the TOC Boundaries
      • January 2024 Estimated: 000 Gal Actual=50,150 Gal Again a really large difference between estimated Gal and actual.  All within the TOC Boundaries
      • February: 41865 gal actual.
    • #2: February:  Zero Gal.
  • Lift Stations #s 3 &4 small pumps that the SD is responsible. These pumps are greater than 27 years old. #4 experiences some pump failure.  There are 2 pumps in that station.  WiikibonIninni came out and took the failing pump in to be fixed.  It is being rewound.  I believe they have delivered another pump to this station which is not pumping except with manual on and off daily.  Still needs repair, awaiting return of the pump being rewound.  We will need a back-up pump to be kept in the SD Building.
  • Lift Station #2 likely has old pumps in it also. Steele is not sure what type and size these pumps are.  Once the Operator-in-Chief is released without restriction we will deal with this issue.  These pumps are likely as old at the SD Collection System.  Our SD came online in 1986.  We may need to obtain a backup pump for this lift station also.


  • Motion to adjourn 8:23 p.m.


Minutes prepared by the Commission Deputy Secretary.

  • Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Commission.