TOC Plan Commission Minutes, December 6, 2022


Town of Clover Plan Commission

December 6, 2022

Historic Gym



Call to Order:  7 pm

Roll Call:  Chris Lehnert (vice-chair), Pete Berton, Keith Koenning (chair).  James Stemwedel, Beverly Steele (absent).

Audience Attendance:  Lois Palmer, Erik Felt

Approval of Minutes:  September 6 Minutes approved without objection


Announcements:  Report on activities of the 2023-2043 Comprehensive Plan Committee by Erik Felt, Chair, 2023-2043 Town of Clover Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPP).  Mr. Felt advised as follows:  Four work groups are actively engaged in interviews and research.  Katherine Merrill leads the Coastal Management group (TPC member Lehnert is a member of the group); Dana Churness and Susan McDonald lead the Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Resources group; Louis Morelli leads the Housing, Transportation, Utilities and Community Facilities, Economic Development, and Intergovernmental Cooperation group; Iva Morelli leads the Land Use and Future Land Use group (TPC member Steele is a member of the group).  A meeting of group leaders is set for December 12 at 7 pm.  The Northwest Regional Planning Commission (our contractor) has been in the background to date but will soon be engaged in public meetings tentatively scheduled for January (coastal resources), March (other plan elements), and May (discussion of draft plan).  A survey of all landowners and non-landowner residents will occur early in the next year.


New Business:


Class A Special Use Permit for grading more than 200 square feet within 1,000 feet of Lake Superior for a driveway at an address to be assigned between 13770 and 13485 State Highway 13 by Kerry Hage.


As to the Hage application consensus recommendation to the Town Board:


Goal 1 of the Comprehensive Plan supports housing.  Approval with two conditions:  1) Must have or obtain a State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Connection Permit.  2)  The driveway and turnaround must comply with the Town of Clover Driveway Ordinance.


Future Business:  None


Other Discussion:  Audience member Palmer raised her concern that night lighting in one location on Lenawee Road presents a safety hazard to driving due to its location and brightness and she would like the Town to consider whether anything can be done to reduce the brightness of the light.   There was general discussion about the apparent increase in bright “yard lights” in the Town.  Ms. Palmer referred to a recent twin cities StarTribune article about various kinds of lights, public safety, and using the right kinds of lights for the purpose intended.


Adjournment:  7:25 pm


Minutes prepared on December 7, 2022 by the Plan Commission Chair, Keith Koenning, and questions may be directed to him at or 715-774-3475.  Minutes are posted on the Town’s website,