Resolution #20200311-1, Creating a Standing Commitee

Town of Clover

Resolution #20200311-1, Creating a Standing Committee for Addressing Issues related to the Bark Point Boat Launch


Whereas the Bark Point Boat Launch site is filled with sand and rock following a severe storm during the Fall of 2019 but not limited to it, and

Whereas the Town is now in possession of considerable additional land mass since the Spring thaw has revealed such, and

Whereas the formation of a similar land mass has not occurred in the history of living memory, and

Whereas in recent years weather patterns have changed, bringing greater than usual large, damaging storms, and

Whereas the Bark Point Boat Launch is one of the treasures of the Town, and

Whereas this treasure is available for residents and non-residents alike, and

Whereas there is a need for both short term and long term solutions for the Boat Launch area to remain viable as a Boat Launch,

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that a standing committee be formed that makes recommendations to the Board, and

Be It Further Resolved that the committee be composed of one (1) Board member and four (4) volunteers appointed by the Board to two (2) year terms, with initial appointments as follows:  two (2) appointed to four (4) year terms, and two (2) appointed to two (2) year terms, and

Be It Further Resolved that there be no two persons from the same household or 2nd degree family member appointed to the committee at any given time, and

Be It Further Resolved that the committee be known as “Friends of the Bark Point Boat Launch”, and

Be It Further Resolved that the functions of the Committee be to:

  • Assess any problems occurring at the Boat Launch, and
  • Identify any etiologies for the assessed problem(s) with emphasis on physical issues causing the problem(s), and
  • Propose to the Board possible solutions to address these problems, including both short term solutions and long term solutions (not necessarily needed as a package at one time)
    1. Including costs (financial, manpower, and equipment)
    2. Possible means of acquiring the finances to cover the costs, and
    3. Other issues of import to the Boat Launch


Adopted this 11th day of March, 2020




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Beverly M. Steele, Chairperson           Date             Sheryl Isaksson, Supervisor                      Date




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Barb Rebak, Supervisor                       Date              Jack Smith, Supervisor              Date




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Patti Stemwedel, Supervisor              Date


Attested this 11th day of March 2020 by:




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Tracy Gillespey, Clerk                       Date


TC Resolution #20200311, Establishing Standing Committee re Bark Point Boat Launch