Resolution #20191113-1, Snowplow Awareness

Town of Clover

Resolution #20191113-1, Snowplow Awareness and Operator Appreciation


Whereas, the Town of Clover contains 78.36 miles of roads, and

Whereas, snowplowing is a critical service to ensure that emergency services can safely travel as required, and that citizens are able to access work, school and necessary services, and

Whereas, the Town of Clover Highway and General Maintenance Operators are dedicated to keeping roadways clear at all times of year, but have additional burdens during the winter season, and

Whereas, the Town of Clover reminds all persons to:

  • Be cautious when they encounter snowplows, and
  • Limit driving during bad weather to avoid becoming stuck or stalled in their vehicles, and
  • Be aware that Wisconsin state law requires drivers to be at least 200 feet behind a working snowplow, and
  • Use caution when passing a working snowplow because it can create a cloud of snow that can obscure a driver’s vision,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Clover Board assembled this 13th day of November 2019, does hereby recognize the importance of the work of the Town of Clover Highway and General Maintenance Operators and thank them for their efforts to keep Town of Clover roadways safe during heavy snow events.


Beverly M. Steele, Chairperson           Date

Sheryl Isaksson, Supervisor                 Date

Barb Rebak, Supervisor                        Date

Jack Smith, Supervisor                         Date

Patti Stemwedel, Supervisor               Date


Attested this 13th day of November 2019 by:

Tracy Gillespey, Clerk                           Date


Created:  11/12/19

TC Resolution #20191113-1, Snowplow Awareness and Operator Appreciation