TOC Survey Results Comprehensive Plan 2023-2043
(NOTE: Survey Results may also be reviewed in the Gym at the same location where the paper survey drop box was located.)
Town of Clover Survey
Comprehensive Plan 2023-2043
This survey was conducted for the Town of Clover ad hoc Plan Committee by the Northwest Regional Planning Commission. Financial support was provided to the Town of Clover by the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program.
Survey response period: May 4th, 2023 to May 26th, 2023 (22 days)
Property owner notification postcards mailed from tax records: 552
Total Responses: 178
- Online Survey Responses: 152
- Paper Survey Responses: 26
- The Plan Committee put up posters about the survey at the Gym and Post Office, and renters and those who did not want to complete the survey online could complete a paper survey at the Gym.
Response Rate: 32.2%
- True response rate is ambiguous, as more than one person from each mailing household may or may not have completed the survey.
- 75 respondents replied that they are full-time residents of the Town of Clover, indicating that 29% of the Town’s population of 261 people responded to the survey
- 42% of responses were from full-time residents (75), 41% were from secondary homeowners (73), 16% were from vacant/recreational landowners (29), and 0.6% were from investment property owners (1).
Survey responses indicate that the town is primarily comprised of people aged 60 to 79 (60%) living in primary (42%) or secondary residence (41%) households (70%) with over 20 years (44%) of living in the Town of Clover. It is clear that the people here are deeply connected to the Town and that their concerns should be taken into consideration in the comprehensive planning process.
The remote, quiet aspects of the Town are valued greatly by the community and indicated as ‘very important’ by 74% of respondents. Additionally, 43% responded that they are ‘very satisfied’ and 52% responded that they are ‘satisfied’ with the quality of life in the Town of Clover. However, 33% of respondents indicated that the Town of Clover has become ‘less desirable’ in their time of living here (26% say that it has ‘improved for the better,’ and 27% say that it ‘has not changed’). Respondents indicated that if current trends continue, 39% would be ‘less satisfied,’ 30% would feel ‘no change,’ and 21% would be ‘more satisfied’ with their quality of life. These responses represent a significant attachment to the Town, a sense of nostalgia, and discontentment with issues related to water quality, water extraction, climate change, invasive species, the needs of the aging community, the lack of work force, litter, telecommunication systems, short-term rentals, and trespassing.
Survey questions related to engagement in the Town and the area demonstrate a strong sense of place and connection to the natural community. Many respondents enjoy outdoor activities like hiking (138), bird watching (119), gardening (105), swimming (101), bicycling (99), snowshoeing (91), kayaking (90), etc. When asked what development people would support in the Town of Clover, the responses largely reflected these interests (112 very supportive of walking and hiking trails, 97 very supportive of cross country/snowshoe trails, 92 very supportive of bike routes and trails, 74 very supportive of renewable energy production, 68 very supportive of boat landings). Conversely, people were unsupportive of rental storage units (52), snowmobile trails (38), and ATV/UTV/4×4 trails (40) – though it should be noted that responses related to snowmobile trails and ATV/UTV/4×4 trails were evenly distributed at about 25% for ‘very supportive,’ ‘supportive,’ ‘unsupportive,’ and ‘very unsupportive’. Respondents largely agreed that shoreland development should be comprised of single-family residential development (83%) rather than multi-unit residential (7%) or commercial development (19%). The overall connection to the natural resources in the Town should be taken into consideration in the planning process and when considering future development; overall, the people here value quiet activities like hiking and biking, and future development should take that into account.
Many people in the town enjoy community-based activities in addition to outdoor activities. Folks enjoy going out to eat (132) and scenic drives (124). However, many people indicated that the lack of businesses and restaurants and the maintenance of roads are an issue. This should be considered when planning for future development.
Despite a strong connection to place and the Town of Clover, only 46 respondents indicated that they volunteer for events, 38 attend Town Board meetings, and few people volunteer in other areas. Additionally, 60% of respondents agree that they have a voice in shaping the community, 17% feel they do not, and 23% had no opinion. Lack of participation in Town planning and events may be a result of the aging community and an overall feeling of contentment with the Town.
What is your age range?
Please describe the composition of your household:
Which one of the following best describes your land ownership?
Is your property on or off-water?
Approximately, how many acres do you own in the Town of Clover?
How many years have you owned property in the Town of Clover?
Please check any of the following volunteer activities in which you have participated:
How satisfied are you with the following Town & County services?
The Town of Clover presents a quieter pace: more remote, minimal commercial activity, quiet country roads, sparse population, opportunities for solitude, and a strong supportive community. How important is this to you?
How satisfied are you with the quality of life in the Town of Clover?
What categories should shoreland development be comprised of?
Which of the following activities do you engage in while in this area?
I would support the development of the following in the Town of Clover:
How concerned are you with the following issues?
How do you feel the Town of Clover has changed since you first lived here?
If current trends continue, in 20 years would you be more satisfied, or less satisfied, with your quality of life in the Town of Clover?
Do you feel that you have a voice in shaping the future of your local community?