Volunteer Handbook Timeline Revision
To: Plan Committee and Work Group Members
From: Erik Felt, Plan Committee Chair
Keith Koenning, Town Plan Commission Chair
Re: 2023-2043 Town of Clover Comprehensive Plan Timeline
We have reconsidered the timeline that was developed in October of last year. We now have the benefit of the past few months of working with you as volunteers and we are now suggesting a revised timeline as outlined below.
July 2022: Town Plan Commission ad hoc Plan Committee begins regular meetings. The Committee will consist of volunteers recruited after a public announcement of the 2023-2043 Plan process. Agreements with the contractor and Bayfield County will be put in place.
August: Contractor facilitates first community meeting to explore community member priorities and concerns, focusing on coastal Resources. Plan Committee, Plan Commission, and contractor develop questions for a community survey.
September: Contractor prepares and distributes survey to property owners and community members.
October: Data research continues, and information is organized. Plan Commission and Plan Committee hold public meetings.
November: Contractor provides Plan Committee and Plan Commission with survey results.
August through January: The Plan Committee and four Work Groups meet, conduct data research, interviews of community members, and develop topic areas for the survey and public meetings. Future land use map field work is done.
December through April: Plan Committee and Plan Commission hold public meetings and analyze data and survey results. County wide Plan meetings will likely occur.
February through April: The Plan Committee and Work Groups along with the contractor prepare the survey, distribute it, and analyze the results. The first public meeting, focusing on coastal resources is held. The Town of Clover Plan will rely on the new Bayfield County Plan for some of the Plan elements, including housing, transportation, and economic development, and a draft of the County Plan should now be available for consideration by the Town of Clover Plan Committee.
May: Contractor facilitates second community meeting. Plan Committee, Plan Commission, and contractor prepare draft of the Plan. The Town Board reviews and discusses the Plan.
June: Contractor facilitates third community meeting to present the proposed Plan. Plan Committee finalizes the Plan. Plan Commission approves Plan and submits to the Town Board.