Town Plan Commission Meeting, October 6, 2020


First Revision (addition underlined)

Town of Clover


October 6, 2020, 7 pm

Historic Gym


Call to Order:

Roll Call:

Audience Attendance:


Approval of Minutes:   September 1, 2020 Meeting

Old Business:   Status of DRAFT Ordinance for Regulating Short-Term Rentals

New Business:

  1.  Luke Grosskreutz, Class A Special Use Permit for one short-term rental.
  2.  Greg Haug, Class A Special Use Permit for grading within 1,000 feet of Lake Superior.
  3.  Paul Radtke, Class A Special Use Permit for grading within 1,000 feet of Lake Superior.

Future Business:



Agenda prepared by the Plan Commission Chair. Pandemic precautions will be implemented.

Notice posted by the Town Clerk not later than 7 pm October 4, 2020, at the Town Hall, Post Office, and on the Town’s website.