TOC Special Board Meeting August 21, 2024

Town of Clover – Minutes

Special Board Meeting

August 21, 2024


Call to order: 9:00 am

Roll Call: Steele, Pope, Felt, Madison, Smith, Gillespey, Mintzlaff, Jen Schierman.


Public Comment:

Discussion/Likely Action related to:

  • Awarding the fuel contractSteele

Motion by: Smith/sMadison to continue with Midland Services for the Town’s fuel contract.

Carried four to one.

  • Snow Plowing—Steele

Motion by: Pope/sSmith to move snow plowing to the first item on the agenda.  Carried Unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sSmith to continue snow plowing resident’s driveways for the town of Clover another year and review next year after data is collected.  Carried Unanimously.

  • Grader programming

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to not continue with the program for the grader.  Carried Unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn 9:17 am


Minutes prepared by the Commission Deputy Secretary.

Minutes are unofficial until approval by the Commission.