TOC Sanitary District Minutes, August 9, 2023
Town of Clover Sanitary District #1 – Meeting Minutes
Wednesday August 9, 2023, at 8:00 pm in the Meeting Room of the Town of Clover Town Hall (The Gym).
Called to Order at 8:47 pm
Roll Call: Steele, Smith, Rebak, Pope, Gillespey, Felt, Morelli, Mintzlaff.
Approval of Minutes of: July 12
Treasurer’s Report: July
Expenditures: Motion to approve batch S-0809. Motion to approve made by Pope/sFelt Carried Unanimous
– Operations:
– Raw Lab Reports: 7/18/23 BOD (230) & Phosphorous (8.56) raw) as high. The second Raw report showed SS (346) & Phosphorous (7.09) high.
– Metered Gallons:
o July=331,000 gal
– Rain Fall in inches: July=3.25”
– Dump Station Reports:
o Birch Street: July=112,889 gal ~7% of this was from outside the Town Boundaries (emailed statement that the TOC SD does not accept contents of holding tanks from outside the Town Boundaries with specifications as to boundaries on State Hwy 13 and Touve (west side), plus included sections of Ordinance related to this issue, and expectations that the month of August dump report will not contain any unauthorized dumps from outside the Town boundaries.)
o #2 Septic Pumping & Excavating: 10,590 gal, None from outside the boundaries of the Town of Clover
Business: (NOTE: Public Comments specific to any agenda item will be taken prior to the particular agenda item, these will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Following this, the discussion will be limited to Elected Officials, unless an Elected Official requests specific information from a member of the Public)
Discussion/Likely Action related to renewal of Insurance through Rural Mutual Insurance Company—Steele Deferred to next month.
Agenda Items for Next Month or Later:
Any Future Agenda Items
Appendix A
Motion to adjourn 8:53 pm
Minutes prepared by the Commission Secretary.
– Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Commission.