TOC Regular Board Meeting Minutes 12/11/2024
Town of Clover – Minutes
Regular Board Meeting
December 11, 2024
Call to order: 7:00 pm
Roll Call: Present: Steele, Smith, Gillespey, Pope, Morelli, Felt, Absent Madison, Mintzlaff. Also present, Lois Palmer, Toni Molinca, Pete Berton.
Pledge of Allegiance:
NOTE: The Regular Town of Clover Meeting will be adjourned at or about 8:00 pm. The Chair may reorder the agenda to accommodate the time limit.
- Caucus, Saturday, January 11, 2025 @ 10:45am in the Town Hall/Historic Gymnasium
- Transfer Station now in winter hours–Saturdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm
Reports: (Please see Reports below or distributed in the packets, or perhaps only Oral).
Review Minutes for additions, deletions &/or corrections: (see packets)
- November 13
Treasurer’s Report for:
- November
Expenditures: Motion to approve the expenditure Batch
- T-1211 Motion: byPope/sSteele to approve batch T-1211. Carried Unanimous.
General Public Comment:
BUSINESS: (NOTE: Public Comments specific to any Main Heading, i.e. Government, Public Works etc. of the agenda will be taken prior to that agenda section, these will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Following this, the discussion will be limited to Elected Officials (unless an Elected Official requests specific information from a member of the Public)
- Government: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
- Poll Worker list:Approval of Poll worker list for 2025-2027. Gillespey.
- Motion: by Pope/sFelt to approve poll workers for 2025-2027. Carried Unanimous.
- Discussion/Likely Action related to:
- Campground account—Steele/Pope
- Motion:by Pope/sSteele to transfer 180,000.00 to town. Carried Unanimous.
- Motion:by Pope/sFelt to keep 10,000 in campground account. Carried Unanimous.
- Hultman Property—Steele Property sold no action.
- Sell our portion between St Hwy 13 and the current owner’s property?
- Purchase for the TOC the property in question?
- 2025 Fees and Forfeitures—Steele (Please see Packets)
- By Consensus: to keep fees same for 2025.
- Revision to Annual STR Permit Form—Steele (Please see Packets) NOTE: This change is to conform with change in Zoning Ordinance
- Motion: by Pope/sSteele to approve the change to Annual STR renewal. Carried Unanimous.
- Attendees by the Town’s elected officials at the 2025 District Meeting, 2025 – Lakewoods Resort & Lodge, Cable—Steele (see Packets for Program)
- Discussion, Possible Action related to any of the following form the IT Ad Hoc Committee—E. Felt
- Internet terms of use for Gym, Firehall, Ambulance, Campground
- To follow up with completion.
- Website: report about website alternatives to what is being done currently
- Oxygen possibly.
- Surveillance cameras status to be installed.
- Dash Cam evaluation look into purchase.
- Public Works: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
- Discussion/Likely Action related to:
- Repairs and Upgrades to the Heating System of the Town Garage, plus Repairing the Northeast Air Handler—Steele
- By consensus: to continue with upgrades. Carried
- Auctioning on Wisconsin Site:–Steele
- By consensus: to only do one mower and other items. Carried
- Two Mowers
- Playground Slide (does not fit our equipment)
- Actions and Time Line for Possible Hire for Highway and General Maintenance Operator—Steele (The Pool closes at 4:00pm December 16)
- Discussion/Likely Action related to:
Special board meeting Monday December 16 at 4:30pm to prescreen applicants.
- Education, Culture and Recreation
- Discussion/Perhaps Action related to Bids for Campground Firewood—Steele Deferred
TPC: no meeting
Ambulance: Felt/Steele – 8 calls
- Fire Department: Felt/Steele – tire contract with state in works half the cost.
- Health and Human Services:
Cemetery: Madison – no report
Education Culture and Recreation:
Campground: Smith/ Morelli – signs on walking trails, possible host interview.
Playground: Madison – no report
Boat Parking: Pope – All good no incidents.
Bark Bay Slough: Pope – no incidents.
Motion to Adjourn 8:30 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Deputy Clerk.
Minutes are unofficial until approval by the Town of Clover Board.