TOC Planning Elements Summary Meeting, February 23. 2023

Town of Clover

Planning Elements Summary Meeting




Duration: 6:00PM-7:30PM


In attendance (21): Megan Mader (NWRPC), Keith Koenning, Erik Felt, Katherine Merrill, Iva Morelli, Lou Morelli, Maureen Felt, John Mundahl, Dana Churness, Jim Low, Beverly Steele, Lois Palmer, Mark Filonowich, Sandra Starck, Jane Hennessy, Frank Hennessy, Gene Lemmenes, Pete Berton, Michael Murphy (virtual), Nancy Moye (virtual), Paul Piszczek (WDNR – virtual)



Megan Mader presented summary of data for planning elements with discussion from attendees related to content, concerns, and general questions (summarized below):

  • Community Demographics
    • Very few questions or comments – material was relatively widely known and accepted
  • Housing
    • Questions and comments related to vacant housing and short-term rentals
  • Transportation
    • Interest in exploring non-motorized trail options
    • Concern for increased use of Bark Bay Slough
    • Comments related to upland management and management/development of transportation systems
    • Concern related to alcohol consumption and ATV/UTV use
  • Utilities and Community Facilities
    • Interest in expanding current waste water treatment system beyond current sanitary district
    • Additions to internet and telecommunication utilities
    • Need for infrastructure to support renewable energy sources
  • Natural, Agricultural, and Cultural Resources
    • Interest in emphasizing and expanding community-supported agriculture
    • Need to monitor and protect artesian water sources
    • Management and planning should include tribal representation and incorporate tribal knowledge
  • Economic Development
    • Strong emphasis on small farms, small businesses, and small-scale manufacturing
    • Balance between growth and development where appropriate and preserving the identity and culture of Clover



  • Intergovernmental Cooperation
    • Importance of consultation with tribal entities in regards to shared resource management on ceded territory
    • Cooperation between towns for road maintenance
    • Conflict with WDNR for land and access to emergency routes and water for fire fighting
    • Greater collaboration with neighboring towns to share information and resources



Next Comprehensive Plan Committee Meeting: 1:00PM March 27, 2023 to discuss development of survey and process of executing survey; process of drafting plan elements


Next Public Meeting Facilitated by NWRPC: June 2023


Prepared by: Megan Mader, Community Development Planner, Northwest Regional Planning Commission, 3/1/2023