TOC Plan Commission Minutes, June 27, 2023


Town of Clover Plan Commission

June 27, 2023, 7 pm

Historic Gym


Call to Order:  7 pm

Roll Call:  Chris Lehnert (vice-chair), Pete Berton, James Stemwedel, Keith Koenning (chair); Beverly Steele (absent)

Audience Attendance:  Lois Palmer

Approval of Minutes:  May 2 minutes approved by consensus



  • 2023-2043 ad hoc Plan Committee completed its work as of June 15.
  • Plan Committee survey comments provided to TPC members on May 30.
  • TPC appointments, Pete Berton for three years and Beverly Steele for two years.
  • Bayfield County Planning and Zoning Committee recommendation for denial of the Frank and Brenda Draft rezoning petition (May 2 TPC meeting) forwarded to the County Board of Supervisors and placed on the June 27 meeting agenda.


New Business:

 Consideration of a resolution recommending to the Town Board the adoption of the 2023-2043 Comprehensive Plan.  The proposed Plan is available at (enter Clover in the search field and then Parts 1 and 2 of the Plan).  A paper copy of the Plan is in the Gym on the shelf near the water fountain.

Discussion:  Mr. Stemwedel commented:  He believes the minimum lot size for agricultural of 20 acres on the Future Land Use Map is too large, and that in the Housing element there is a conflict between desiring affordable housing for a local workforce and discouraging multi-family residential apartments.  The chair advised that the Plan is advisory not regulatory and that recommendations in the Plan establish a starting point for determining if a particular land use is in the interest of the community and consistent with the Plan.  For example, a five-acre agricultural parcel may well be suitable for production of vegetables and consistent with other elements of the Plan.  The chair suggested that the ad hoc Plan Committee by establishing a recommended 20-acre minimum is saying that in Clover the subdivision of agricultural parcels into small residential lots is not something the Town favors.  The chair advised that the conflict between not wanting apartment buildings and wanting affordable housing was acknowledged by the Plan Committee.  The preference is for single family housing.  It is understood that there may be a situation where an apartment building meets several needs and is consistent with the Plan.

The chair cautioned against making any changes in the Plan now.  The four-hour public session on June 9 was the time and place for suggested changes, and he would like to see the TPC’s support of this Plan presented by the ad hoc Plan Committee.

Vote on the Resolution (attached):  Lehnert, yes; Berton, yes; Koenning, yes; Stemwedel, yes.

Next Steps:  1) Town Board public hearing with 30-day notice and consideration of Plan approval by ordinance; 2) If approved, a copy of Part One of the Plan will be mailed to each taxpayer at no cost to the Town of Clover (funding provided by the Coastal Management Program matched by volunteer hours).


Adjournment:  7:25 pm


Minutes prepared on June 28, 2023 by the Plan Commission Chair, Keith Koenning, and questions may be directed to him at or 715-774-3475.  Posted on the Town’s website,






RESOLUTION #20230627




WHEREAS, Ordinance #101210-1 mandates in Section 14 that the Plan Commission adopt a plan and maps in time sufficient to allow the Town Board to review the plan and pass an ordinance adopting the plan; and


WHEREAS, Ordinance #9/16/03-1 adopted a 2003-2023 Comprehensive Plan; and


WHEREAS, Ordinance #20140813 adopted a 10 year update to the Comprehensive Plan; and


WHEREAS, in July 2022 the Plan Commission created an ad hoc Plan Committee of citizens and volunteers contributed over 1,000 hours of time to the preparation of a plan and maps; and


WHEREAS, the Town received funding from the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program; and


WHEREAS, the Town entered into an agreement with the Northwest Regional Planning Commission to provide expertise and technical assistance in the preparation of the plan and maps; and


WHEREAS, the ad hoc Plan Committee has submitted a proposed 2023-2043 Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map to the Plan Commission; and


WHEREAS, §66.1001(4), Wisconsin Statutes, establish the required procedure for a local government to adopt a comprehensive plan, and §66.1001(2) identifies the required nine elements of a comprehensive plan; and


WHEREAS, the Town of Clover Plan Commission has the authority to recommend that the Town Board adopt a “comprehensive plan” under §66.1001(4)(b); and


WHEREAS, the Town has prepared the Town of Clover Comprehensive Plan 2023-2043, containing all maps, approved comments and changes, and other descriptive materials, to be the comprehensive plan for the Town of Clover under §66.1001, Wisconsin Statutes; and


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Clover Plan Commission hereby recommends the adoption the Town of Clover Comprehensive Plan 2023-2043 as the Town of Clover’s comprehensive plan under §66.1001(4); and


BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the Town of Clover Plan Commission hereby recommends that the Town Board adopt an ordinance, which will constitute its adoption of the Town of Clover Comprehensive Plan 2023-2043 as the Town of Clover’s comprehensive plan.


Approved this 27th day of June, 2023.

/s/  Keith Koenning          6/27/2023

Keith Koenning, Chair          Date

Town of Clover Plan Commission