TOC Plan Commission Minutes, August 2, 2022


Town of Clover Plan Commission

August 2, 2022, 7 pm

Historic Gym


Call to Order:  7 pm

Roll Call:  Chris Lehnert (vice-chair), Pete Berton, Beverly Steele (Town Board), Keith Koenning, and James Stemwedel (at 7:20)

Audience Attendance:  Katherine Merrill, Mark Filonowich, Lois Palmer, Maureen and Erik Felt

Announcements:  The chair advised that the TPC is an advisory body to the Town Board, that its meetings are conducted informally, and that discussion is encouraged.

 Approval of Minutes:  Approved without objection.

 New Business:

 Class A Special Use Permit for one short-term rental at 85990 Buckley Rd in A-1 zoning by Peter Spooner and Jean Larson.

Mr. Filonowich inquired as to why these permits were considered by the TPC when it seems to him they are routinely approved by the Town Board.  The chair advised that the job of the TPC is to review them, check out issues such as the driveway, the address sign, the sanitary system capability, etc. and to present this information to the Town Board so that it need not spend meeting time on these same issues.  Also, the chair is of the opinion that the process is very important to establishing the long-term credibility of the TPC and the Comprehensive Plan in the Town of Clover.  Ms. Steele advised that the form that the Town Board returns to the Planning and Zoning Department asks the question: “Have you reviewed this for compatibility with the Comprehensive Plan?”  She added that the TPC recommendation informs the Board in its response to this question.

Consensus recommendation to the Town Board:  Goals 1 and 10 of the Comprehensive Plan support recreational housing and tourism.  Approval with the following conditions to be on the County special use permit:  1) This permit is not transferable if the property is sold. 2) Prior to advertising and rental, the property owner must have a Wisconsin Tourist Rooming House License issued by the Bayfield County Health Department, and a Town of Clover annual short term rental license.

 If a Town of Clover short term rental license is issued in the future, two special conditions are recommended:  1) The occupancy of the rental is limited to four adults.  2)  Inspection of the driveway to ensure that emergency vehicles can turnaround at the property.


  1. Status report on formation of the Town of Clover 2023-2043 Plan Committee.

Mr. Erik Felt has agreed to chair the Plan Committee.  The chair expressed appreciation to Mr. Felt for doing this.  Mr. Felt advised that he and his wife, Maureen, have been here 10 years and are committed to making this a good place to live.  In the past,  he worked in a planning and zoning office in Wisconsin, so he is aware of the value of good planning.

The chair advised that nine additional community members have volunteered to be part of the Plan Committee work groups.

There was brief discussion of the written survey to be conducted by the Plan Committee.  The chair advised that no decisions have yet been made as to the questions or the process.

  1. Report on the first meeting of the Bayfield County Plan Committee.

The chair attended the first Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting on July 20.  The Committee will meet monthly through June 2023.   Work groups are being assembled.  The chair has volunteered to serve on the intergovernmental cooperation work group.

Future Business:  The TPC meetings and minutes will be the official record of the 2023-2043 Plan Project.  The minutes are posted on the town’s website,  Other Plan Committee reports may also be posted on the website.

 Adjournment:  7:35 pm




Minutes  prepared on August 3, 2022 by the Plan Commission Chair, Keith Koenning, and questions may be directed to him at or 715 774 3475.