TOC Plan Commission Meeting, July 5, 2022
Town of Clover Plan Commission
July 5, 2022, 7 pm
Historic Gym
Call to Order:
Roll Call:
Audience Attendance:
- TPC Chair appointed to the Bayfield County Comprehensive Plan Committee.
- Final notification received June 24 of Coastal Management grant.
New Business:
2023-2043 Comprehensive Plan project, July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. We will discuss formation of a Plan Committee and implementation of the timeline of the project as outlined in the Coastal Management Program grant application. The first event to be held will be a “kickoff” meeting in July, where information about the project will be provided, and there will be an opportunity for anyone interested to volunteer either in a leadership position or on a subject area work team.
Future Business:
Agenda prepared on June 28, 2022 by the Plan Commission Chair, Keith Koenning, and questions may be directed to him at or 715 774 3475.
Notice posted by the Town Clerk not later than 7 pm on July 4 at the Town Hall (gym), Post Office, and the Town’s website.