TOC Meeting Minutes September 11, 2024

Town of Clover – Minutes

Regular Board Meeting

September 11, 2024


Call to order: 7:00 pm

Roll Call: Present:  Steele, Madison, Smith, Gillespey, Mintzlaff, Morelli, Pope, and Felt.  Lois Palmer, Mark Filonowich, John Dunn, Mel Dunn, Tim Herstein, Dana Churness, Jane Hennesy, Jack Mahoney, and Robin Mahoney.

Pledge of Allegiance:

NOTE:  The Regular Town of Clover Meeting will be adjourned at or about 8:00 pm.  The Chair may reorder the agenda to accommodate the time limit. 


  • Transfer Station now in summer hours–Saturdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm and Wednesdays from 5:00pm to 7:00pm until October 1, then Winter Hours will be in effect, eliminating Wednesday hours.
  • SSAA Shared Towns Meeting, Wednesday, September 25, 2024 @ 5:00pm in the Meeting Room of the Town Hall/Historic Gymnasium.
  • Saturday, September 28th, 2024, Residential Hazardous, Prescription & Electronic Waste Collection, Great Lakes Visitors Center.


  • All TOC Entities to have budget requests in by September 30 except SSAA and that one should be in to Steele no later than September 20 (see history and year to date expenditures with projections for 2024 & column for wish list entries. Giving rational for each requested expenditure other than usual expenditures will help the Board with budget items recommended to the Public Budget Hearing in early November).

Reports: (Please see Reports below or distributed in the packets, or perhaps only Oral).

General Public Comment:

Review Minutes for additions, deletions &/or corrections: (see packets)

  • August 14
  • August 21

Treasurer’s Report for:

  • August

ExpendituresMotion to approve the expenditure Batch

  • T-0911

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve batch T-0911.  Carried unanimously.

BUSINESS: (NOTE: Public Comments specific to any Main Heading, i.e. Government, Public Works etc. of the agenda will be taken prior to that agenda section, these will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker.  Following this, the discussion will be limited to Elected Officials (unless an Elected Official requests specific information from a member of the Public)

  • Government: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section.
    • Discussion/Likely Action related to:
    • Schedule for Special Board Meetings with a limited agenda to working on the 2025 Budget—Steele

October 2nd and October 3rd at 5:30 p.m. is scheduled for a special board meeting to work on refining the 2025 budget.

By consensus.

  • Date Public Hearing on the Budget & Special Town Meeting for adopting the 2025 Levy—Steele

Meeting for the Budget & Special Town Meeting is scheduled for November 2nd at 10:45 a.m.

  • Short term Rental Permit: Scott & J. Marks, 88585 Bark Point Road—Steele – Deferred

Resolution #20240911 In Opposition to H.R. 9111—Steele/Churness

Motion by: Pope/sSmith to adopt resolution #20240911 In Opposition to H.R. 9111.  Carried unanimously.

  • Public Works: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
    • Discussion/Likely Action related to:
      • Each of the items below together:
        • Hold Harmless Agreements Personal Work Performed after Hours in the Town Garage (20240911A & 20240911B)—Steele (see packets and email from M. Lindsey, TOC Attorney)
        • V Employee Handbook either revisions A, B or C to page 4, 5.6—Steele (see packets)

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to accept page 4 5.6 option D for employee handbook.  Carried unanimously.

  • Future Agenda Items:
    • Discussion/Perhaps Action related to replacing BPR culverts between Hesse Road and Bowman west driveway, not including those on the hill plus the culvert going toward Bark Bay Road from BPR on Lefty’s Road that currently moves the drainage from the hill. Likely contingent upon 2025 Budget proposal


            TPC: Meeting was cancelled due to lack of Agenda items.

  • Ambulance: Felt/Steele – No report.
  • Fire Department: Felt/Steele – 0 calls.
  • Health and Human Services:

Cemetery:  Madison – No report.

Education Culture and Recreation:

Campground:  Smith/ Morelli – Ordering more gravel for parking lot.  The old bathroom needs a new roof.

Playground: Madison – Playground should be repainted.

Boat Parking: Pope – Steel was cut and taken out by the dock, sand was scraped back, and gravel is needed.

Bark Bay Slough:  Pope – No report.

  • Motion to Adjourn 7:55 p.m.


Minutes prepared by Deputy Clerk.

Minutes are unofficial until approval by the Commission.