TOC Meeting Minutes December 13, 2023

Town of Clover – Minutes

Regular Board Meeting

December 13, 2023 7:00 pm


Called to order at 7:00 PM

Roll Call: Present:  Steele, Rebak, Pope, Gillespey, Morelli, Smith, Mintzlaff, Felt (by phone).  Also present Mark Filonowich, Roger Pikus, Mershawn Pikus, Jennifer Schierman, Pete Berton, Betsy Stevens and Lois Palmer.

NOTE:  The Regular Town of Clover Meeting will be adjourned at or about 8:00 pm.  The Chair may reorder the agenda to accommodate the time limit.

Acceptance of Minutes: (see packets)

  • November regular board meeting

Treasurer’s Report for:

  • November

Expenditures: Motion by Pope/sRebak to approve Batch T-1213 Carried Unanimous.

BUSINESS: (NOTE: Public Comments specific to any Main Heading, i.e. Government, Public Works etc of the agenda will be taken, unless an Elected Official requests specific information from a member of the Public)



 Caucus:  Saturday, January 13, 2024 @ 10:45am in the Town Hall/Historic Gymnasium

Reports: (Please see Reports below this agenda for information and order of Reports).

General Public Comment:

BUSINESS: (NOTE: Public Comments specific to any Main Heading, i.e. Government, Public Works etc. of the agenda will be taken prior to that agenda section, these will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker.  Following this, the discussion will be limited to Elected Officials, unless an Elected Official requests specific information from a member of the Public)

  • Government: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
  • Discussion/Perhaps Action related to attendees by the Town’s elected officials at the 2024 District Meeting, Friday, April 5, 2024 – Lakewoods Resort & Lodge, Cable—Steele (see Packets for Program) Pope, Steele and Mintzlaff interested in attending.
  • Discussion/Likely Action related to Letter of Support for Bayfield County’s proposal to receive funding through the U.S. Department of Transportation RAISE Discretionary Grant Program for the reconstruction of County Highway A and County Highway N.–Steele (see Packets)
  • Motion: by Pope/sSteele to approve Support for Bayfield County’s proposal to receive funding through the U.S. Department of Transportation RAISE Discretionary Grant Program for the reconstruction of County Highway A and County Highway N.
  • Carried Unanimous.
  • Discussion/Likely Action related to the 2023-2024 Permit for STR at 87180 Old School Road–Steele

Motion: by Pope/sRebak to approve permit for STR at 87180 Old School Road.

4 yes 1 abstain

  • Discussion/Likely Action related to 2024 fees and forfeitures—Steele (see Packets for 2024 rate sheet derived from all TOC Ordinances containing fee and forfeiture requirements) (please see packets for C. Nawrocki—WTA—opinion on increasing Transfer Station Fees) By Consensus.
  • Public Works: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
    • Discussion/Perhaps Action related to replacing BPR culverts between Hesse Road and Bowman west driveway, not including those on the hill (as any of these are being replaced with TRI) plus the culvert going toward Bark Bay Road from BPR on Lefty’s Road that currently moves the drainage from the hill—Steele (please see NOTE #1 below)
  • Culture, Education and Recreation: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
    • Discussion/Likely Action related to acquiring a cell phone for the Campground Host(s)—Smith


  • Future Agenda Items:
    • Seal Coating
    • Discussion/Likely Action related to Guidelines #XXXXXX, Property Owner application of Calcium Chloride to roadway adjacent to or transiting through the property


Oral Reports to be given prior to Business in the order of the Meeting Agenda

  • Government:
    • Town Planning Commission: Koenning—Cancelled due to the lack of agenda items
    • Town Hall/Historic Gymnasium: Steele
      • Gym Users: PLEASE change into gym shoes prior to using the gym.  PLEASE put the equipment away after use.  There have been some mornings when the Town Officials have come in and found balls lying around on the floor or stage, and the pickle ball net has not been returned to its carrier.  There is no employee available to pick up after your use.  There is no fee for use of the gym.  You are responsible for picking up after your use.
      • There has been significant lack of replacing equipment at the end of day use, thus requiring others to pick up equipment scattered all over the gym floor and stage on the following day by folk who did not leave the mess. THIS CANNOT CONTINUE!  If anyone knows who the transgressors are, please let them know that they are placing all of the users in jeopardy of losing the privilege of open GYM use.  This would be a GREAT LOSS to the Community.
  • Public Safety: NOTE:  The Town is in need of emergency personnel both for the Herbster Volunteer Fire Department (HVFD) and the South Shore Area Ambulance (SSAA).  Please consider becoming a Volunteer to protect your Town(s) by joining either the HVFD, or the SSAA or both.  These little Towns depend on volunteer emergency services.  There is no one sitting in either the Fire or Ambulance Halls awaiting calls.  Contact the Town Office (715)774-3780 and leave a message or email and someone will put you in touch with either the Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief or the Director of the SSAA.
    • Fire Department: Felt No Runs
      • Hurtles yet to be overcome in relation to reupping SAMS (needed to receive both state and federal moneys.
        • The electric bill for HVFD now contains both the name “Herbster Volunteer Fire Department” and the physical address of the HVFD on it. This is being submitted to the appropriate state body to fulfill that requirement
        • The Resolution that was passed by the Board needs the official state stamp (or perhaps a Non-Profit designation). Romain Green and his staff (State Senator, our district) was contacted to help with knowing where to send the Resolution for this Stamp.  A response came from them and this was forwarded to Guy McGuire, Fire Chief for him to send the Resolution for receipt of the official State Stamp (needed for federal SAMS approval).  The response from that submission to Guy McGuire, Fire Chief, was that we needed a non-profit designation for the Fire Department. Guy is following up on this.  We believe that once this hurtle is overcome, the SAMS will hopefully be complete.
  • Ambulance: Felt  6 calls
  • The Ad Hoc Committee on Bayfield County Ambulance Services is being reinstated. The Committee’s charge is to look at the issue of a very small active group of volunteer EMTs in any of the County’s Ambulance Services and propose solutions to this problem. This may include restructuring the County’s Ambulance Services.  Steele was an alternate member of the Committee and has agreed to continue as either an alternate or as a regular member.  She did state that it would be preferable if Jeff Byerhoff, Director, SSAA become a regular member of the Committee.
  • Public Works:
    • Roads: Steele
      • The Town has a contract with Lund Engineering for the Bark Point Road rebuild from Hesse Road northeast to the West driveway to the Boman Property.
        • Lund Engineering submitted grant requests for TRI funding:
          • The 3rd iteration of the TRI was submitted to add a culvert under the portion of Bark Point Road from which the pavement was removed due to floating black top. Ditching, and a strong base would be added plus this portion of the road would receive blacktop.  It appears that this iteration is satisfactory to the DOT, however a final decision on which requests receive funding is not made until January 15 by the DOT.
        • Cold Patch for repairing potholes on the paved town roads is present. The potholes that will be repaired this year have been (primarily on Bark Point Road with some on Lenawee Road.  There is leftover cold patch.  There is a fairly large pothole on the southside prior to Dingman Road going east on Bark Point Road that has not received cold patch.  It was filled with road grade gravel and compacted so removing this was not feasible at this time.  It is believed that with spring thaw, the gravel in this pothole will be easily removable and cold patch will replace the gravel.
      • The fall mowing is basically done.
      • Discussion is underway regarding landing pads on both sides of the intersection with State Hwy 13 for a crosswalk at the intersection of State Highway 13 and Lenawee Road/Bark Point Road. Once the landing pad obstacle is overcome, the project can likely move forward as there is consideration of creating a pathway from this intersection to the Alley north of Willow Road (providing a walkway to the playground) and continuing east on the alley to the Town Park (the area surrounding the lagoon), creating a walkway around the lagoon to include utilizing the alley at the south end of the lagoon and continuing around the lagoon on the east side, crossing over at the intersection of Park Avenue and Frontage Road, continuing to the ATV trail the proceeds to the Campground.  This would satisfy the requirement that there is a path with a destination.
      • Report from Ben Dufford, Director, Bayfield County Land & Water Conservation Department re Campbell Road replacement Culvert—Steele (see packets for further information)
      • See packet for Road work and equipment use and maintenance reports for November & cumulative
    • Ad Hoc Committee for ATV/UTV use on TOC Roads—Steele will read email from the Town Council re Ex-Officio in Wisconsin and Voting status.
    • Transfer Station: Steele.
      • The Transfer Station will not break even this year.
      • Fees may be increased. Steele will read a message received from WTA on this question.
  • Health & Human Services:
    • Cemetery: Rebak – 1 burial
  • Education, Culture, and Recreation:
    • Campground: Smith – Clean up is done
    • Playground: Rebak
    • Boat Parking: Pope – Pontoon boat tours, collection box
    • Bark Bay Slough: Pope – No activity
      • Still needed: Ryan Magna of DNR called regarding non-permitted watercrafts stored at Slough (concern is for Spit Residents to have room for their water crafts—this is their car and driveway to get to cabins on spit) follow up—Steele still needs to write letters to the owners of cabins on the Spit.
    • Motion to Adjourn 8:15 p.m. by consensus

Minutes prepared by the Commission Deputy Secretary.

  Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Commission.