TOC Meeting Minutes August 14, 2024

Town of Clover – Minutes

Regular Board Meeting

August 14, 2024


Call to order: 7:00 pm

Roll Call: Present:  Steele, Madison, Smith, Gillespey, Mintzlaff, Morelli, Pope, Felt. Mershawn Pikus, Roger Pikus, Lois Palmer, Mark Filonowich, Pete Berton, Betsy Stevens, Jnana Hand, Matt Binder, Audra Binder, Jen Schierman, Rob Schierman, Bill O’Brien.

Pledge of Allegiance:

NOTE:  The Regular Town of Clover Meeting will be adjourned at or about 8:00 pm.  The Chair may reorder the agenda to accommodate the time limit. 


  • Transfer Station now in summer hours–Saturdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm and Wednesdays from 5:00pm to 7:00pm


  • Pothole repairs are complete
  • Crack Sealing for the year is completed on Lenawee Road (the 12 miles of paved roads will be completed on a six (6) year rotational basis, this is the 1st in the rotation)

Reports: (Please see Reports below or distributed in the packets, or perhaps only Oral).


  • Reports: (Please see Reports below or distributed in the packets).

General Public Comment:

Review Minutes for additions, deletions &/or corrections: (see packets)

  • July 10 with corrections
  • July 24

Treasurer’s Report for:

  • July

ExpendituresMotion to approve the expenditure Batch

  • T-0814
  • Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve batch T-0814 Carried unanimously.

BUSINESS: (NOTE: Public Comments specific to any Main Heading, i.e. Government, Public Works etc. of the agenda will be taken prior to that agenda section, these will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker.  Following this, the discussion will be limited to Elected Officials (unless an Elected Official requests specific information from a member of the Public)

  • Government: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
    • Presentation by Ferrellgas, including Discussion—Ferrellgas
    • Discussion/Likely Action related to:
      • Special Board Meeting Date regarding fuel contract—Steele

Special Board Meeting will be held on August 21, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in the Historical Gym meeting room.

  • Short term Rental Permit: Scott & J. Marks, 88585 Bark Point Road—Steele Deferred.
  • Conditional Use Permit to place one shipping container in R-RB at 89350 Bark Point Road, Hydra Properties, Jonathin Flury, agent—Steele (see Packets)

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve as outlined by the Town Planning Commission to approve a Conditional Use Permit to place one shipping container in R-RB at 89350 Bark Point Road, Hydra Properties.  Carried unanimously.

  • Renewal of Town Insurance through Rural Mutual Insurance CompanySteele

Motion by: Felt/sMadison to renew our contract with Rural Mutual Insurance Company.  Carried unanimously.

  • Public Works: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
    • Discussion/Likely Action related to:
      • 2024/2025 LRIP—Steele (see Packets)
      • Change of Road Name from Webbers Road to Mike Weber Road—Steele

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to change the road name from Webbers Road to Mike Weber Road.  Carried unanimously.

  • Each of the items below together:
    • Hold Harmless Agreements Personal Work Performed after Hours in the Town Garage (20240814 & 20240814A)—Steele (see packets and email from M. Lindsey, TOC Attorney) Deferred.
    • V Employee Handbook either revisions A, B or C to page 4, 5.6—Steele (see packets) Deferred.
  • Ingress and Egress from Park Avenue to State Highway 13 perhaps via Old School RoadSteele

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to upgrade the use of Park Avenue to State Highway 13.  Carried unanimously.

  • Snowplowing—Steele

Deferred will be added to the agenda for the special meeting held on August 21, 2024.

  • Program for Grader on which the trial has runout—Steele

Deferred will be added to the agenda for the special meeting held on August 21, 2024.

  • Future Agenda Items:
    • Discussion/Perhaps Action related to replacing BPR culverts between Hesse Road and Bowman west driveway, not including those on the hill plus the culvert going toward Bark Bay Road from BPR on Lefty’s Road that currently moves the drainage from the hill. Likely contingent upon 2025 Budget proposal.


            TPC: Meeting was held August 6, 2024

  • Ambulance: Felt/Steele – 15 requests
  • Fire Department: Felt/Steele – 2 calls.
  • Health and Human Services:

Cemetery:  Madison – 1 burial, clearing trees to reclaim more lots.

Education Culture and Recreation:

Campground:  Smith/ Morelli –

The County surveyor has placed a marker on the west side of the Campground that shows where the TOC land and the private land begin and end.  Ribbons are also present attached to trees and bushes going south to mark the in as it goes south.  The area from the large boulders and the marker (monument) belongs to the Town, thus no one is allowed to camp west of the boulders to the monument.

A larger dumpster or a supplemental one is being ordered to help relieve the overflow of the one dumpster.

Playground:  Steele/Madison – no report.

Boat Parking: Pope – No report.

Bark Bay Slough:  Pope – No report.

  • Motion to Adjourn 8:25 p.m.


Minutes prepared by the Commission Deputy Secretary.

Minutes are unofficial until approval by the Commission.