TOC Budget Meeting Agenda, October 21, 2021

Town of Clover – Meeting Notice

Special Board Budget Meeting

October 21, 2021 at 10:00 am in the Town Hall (gym)

At August 11, 2021, board meeting motion carried to require masks for all at government meetings with dais to be placed adequate distance from all and that speakers remove mask only when speaking, further that the board social distance the tables as to be able to remove mask to speak and replace when done speaking.


Call to order

Roll call

Town of Clover submission of a project proposal to Local Roads Improvement Program

Work on budget for 2022

Schedule a public hearing on the proposed budget for 2022

Call a special town elector meeting to vote on the proposed levy



Agenda prepared by the Town Chair


Notice and agenda posted by the Town Clerk on or before 10:00 am, Wednesday, October 20, 2021. Posting is at the Town Hall, Fire Hall, and Post Office.  Notice and agenda are also distributed by email.

The Town Hall is accessible to those persons with physical disabilities.  For assistance please contact the Town Office at 715-774-3780.