TOC Coastal Resources Meeting Summary, January 28, 2023

Town of Clover

Coastal Resources Meeting




Duration: 10:30AM-11:30AM


In attendance (24): Megan Mader (NWRPC), Keith Koenning, Erik Felt, Katherine Merrill, Chris Lehnert, Mark Filonowich, Bev Steele, Jack Smith, Jim Lowe, John Mundahl, Pete Berton, Frank Hennessy, Jane Hennessy, Lois Palmer, Gus McClellend, Guy McGuire, Lacy Lueth, Mike Jackson, Betsy Leach, Mike Murphy, Colleen Locke, Paul Moldenhaur, Dana Churness (virtual), Clare Hintz (virtual)


Megan Mader gave a summary of the planning process, comprehensive planning law, benefits of comprehensive planning, and an introduction to discussion of coastal resources concerns.

Katherine Merrill discussed summary of interviews to date

Coastal resources concerns discussed by participants:

Bark Bay Slough water degradation

Invasive species and E. coli at Bark Bay Slough and Herbster Beach

Signage to protect dunes

Bark Bay Slough launch fee to fund facilities

Access to slough for residents is affected by increased use by outfitters

Possible Clean Boats/Clean Waters to combat invasive species and provide oversight for paying launch fees

Concern about the condition and permitting of residential biffs on Bark Point

Signage to encourage donations for maintenance of slough facilities

Role of Town Planning Commission in shoreline stabilization process

Need to educate shoreline property owners on shoreline stewardship best management practices and selecting contractors

Potential need for a committee to educate the public about shoreline management

Limiting number of people using the slough on a daily basis

Constructing snow fence to prevent sand from filling in launch area

People need to clean up after their dogs

DNR should be responsible for restrooms at Cranberry parking lot

Need for garbage cans at Cranberry parking lot

Need to research sources of government funding for local needs/projects

Need to examine use of dust-suppression products on roadways


Main takeaways of resident concerns related to coastal resources:

  1. There is a desire to maintain and improve the high quality of Bark Bay Slough and the Cranberry River as related to use, sedimentation, bacteria, and shoreline erosion
  2. There needs to be more regulation/oversight of boat landings to ensure responsible use and payment of fees
  3. Kayak outfitters are taking up too much space in parking areas and limiting access to resources for local residents
  4. There is more traffic on Bark Point Rd
  5. More people and tourists have resulted in more litter (and dog feces) at the slough, at boat landings, on beaches, and around Bark Point
  6. People are sometimes trespassing through private property as they access the lake
  7. There is a need for education about responsible shoreline stewardship best management practices – erosion control structures, lawn care, native plantings, etc. for shoreline property owners
  8. Dunes and beaches need to be protected from excessive foot traffic, boats landing on beaches, and vehicle traffic
  9. There is only so much the Town can do when it comes to enforcing regulations, education, searching for outside funding, etc., and committees could be formed by volunteers to tackle these issues

It seems as if there is some level of the “tragedy of the commons” happening – individual users of a public resource act with their own self-interest in mind, ultimately harming to all other users.  Example: one person thinks, “it’s ok for me to leave this little bit of litter at Bark Bay Slough”.  Then the next person sees that litter and thinks, “someone else already littered, so it’s ok if I do it too.”  Then this snowballs to suddenly having litter all over the place.  From the discussion, it sounds like this could apply to litter, not paying launch fees, trampling dunes, irresponsible shoreline management, not picking up after pets, etc.



Prepared by: Megan Mader, Community Development Planner, Northwest Regional Planning Commission, 1/30/2023