TOC Board Meeting Minutes, September 13, 2023
Town of Clover – Minutes
Regular Board Meeting
September 13, 2023 7:00 pm
Called to order at 7:00 PM
Roll Call: Present: Steele, Rebak, Pope, Gillespey, Morelli, Mintzlaff Absent Smith, Felt Also present Mark Filonowich, Roger Pikus, Mershawn Pikus, Lois Palmer, Mike Sine, Jeremy Downs, Toni Holly, Erin Hutchinson.
NOTE: The Regular Town of Clover Meeting will be adjourned at or about 8:00 pm. The Chair may reorder the agenda to accommodate the time limit.
Acceptance of Minutes: (see packets)
- August 9 regular board meeting
- August 16 special meeting
Treasurer’s Report for:
- August
Expenditures: Motion by Pope/sRebak to approve Batch T-0913 Carried Unanimous.
BUSINESS: (NOTE: Public Comments specific to any Main Heading, i.e. Government, Public Works etc of the agenda will be taken, unless an Elected Official requests specific information from a member of the Public)
Oral Reports to be given prior to Business in the order of the Meeting Agenda
- Government:
- Town Planning Commission: Koenning—for details see minutes of September 5 Meeting (see Packets)
- The Uniform Dwelling Code (UDC) Inspector for the Town of Clover, Bob Lietha, was audited by the Department of Safety and Professional Services for administrative practices and record keeping for UDC program (one- and two- family dwellings) and other UDC construction related issues. The following summation was made: “this audit indicates that Rob Lietha and the municipalities with whom he’s contracted carry out their role in administering the Uniform Dwelling Code in a responsible and professional manner.”.
- Town Hall/Historic Gymnasium: Steele
- Gym Users: PLEASE change into gym shoes prior to using the gym. PLEASE put the equipment away after use. There have been some mornings when the Town Officials have come in and found balls lying around on the floor or stage, and the pickle ball net has not been returned to its carrier. There is no employee available to pick up after your use. There is no fee for use of the gym. You are responsible for picking up after your use.
- Public Safety:
- Fire Department: Felt
- A previous fire fighter has returned to Town and has rejoined the HVFD. There is no approved Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that fits him. It takes 3 months to receive the PPE once measured and ordered. The PPE is in excess of $3,500 and a donor has been found to cover the expenses, thus the PPE has been ordered.
- NOTE: The Town is in need of emergency personnel both for the HVFD and the South Shore Area Ambulance (SSAA). Please consider becoming a Volunteer to protect your Town(s) by joining either the HVFD, or the SSAA or both. These little Towns depend on volunteer emergency services. There is no one sitting in either the Fire or Ambulance Halls awaiting calls. Contact the Town Office (715)774-3780 and leave a message or email and someone will put you in touch with either the Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief or the Director of the SSAA.
- Ambulance: Felt (Please See Packet) 9 calls for August
- Fire Department: Felt
- Public Works:
- Roads: Steele
- Tim & I met with Scott Balsavich, Road Engineer with Cooper Engineering 8/18/21. We inspected Bark Point Road from Hesse Road to West Boman Driveway. He suggested that there are 3 possible funding sources and strongly urged us to submit the 1st round of applications to DOT LRIP 90/10 likely 70/30 also, LRIP 50/50 as these can be accomplished without engineering input at least up front. The BIL grants now require engineering up front, but at least now the Town pays only part of the Engineering Fee, not the whole thing. The initial BIL funds did not allow for any engineering sharing. We can also, if we choose, pulverize, replace culverts and the like ahead of time, if we so choose without jeopardizing the grant application(s).
- The Bayfield County LRIP project for 2022 & 2023 is now complete. The Bob Anderson and I met to inspect the Bark River Road between Cemetery Road and Short Cut Road. The project passed Bob’s inspection. The Town is in the process of completing some on-line forms to receive the last instalment of this grant. Bob states that the next round of County LRIP Grant requests is due 10/28/23. Bev and Mark to look into.
- See packet for Road work and equipment use and maintenance reports for August
- Transfer Station: Steele
- Transfer Station: Winter Hours, start October 1 and are Saturdays only, 9:00am to 1:00pm.
- Health & Human Services:
- Cemetery: Rebak
- Education, Culture, and Recreation:
- Campground: Smith bathrooms new ada bathrooms installed
- Play Ground: Rebak ship is complete
- Boat Parking: Pope meeting of boat launch committee
- Bark Bay Slough: Pope
- Ryan Magna of DOT called regarding non-permitted water craft stored at Slough (concern is for Spit Residents to have room for their water crafts—this is their car and driveway to get to cabins on spit) follow up—Steele still needs to write letters to the owners of cabins on the Spit.
- Roads: Steele
Note #1:
- 1st round due to WTA tag line “LRIP Grant Review Request” October 6, 2023, &
- 2nd round due October 20,2023.
- TRID & LRIP-S applications due to a facilitator November 15, 2023
- CTRIC committees meet to prioritize TRID & LRIP-S applications (December 2-23)
- TRID & LRIP-S applications and prioritization entered into WisDOT LRIPWeb by facilitators (or the town if that is preferred by the town) January 15, 2024
- Government:
- Government: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section Government: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
- Discussion/Likely Action related to the Schedule for Special Board Meetings with a limited agenda to working on the 2024 Budget—Steele agreed by consensus with time changes
- Discussion/Likely Action related to a Class A Special Use Permit for grading more than 200sq’ within 1000’ of the Lakeshore for: (Please see TPC minutes of 9/5/23 for specifics)
- Driveway and turnaround at 89350 Bark Point Road in R-RB by Hydra Properties (Christopher G. and Katherine M. Larson)
- Motion: by Pope/sRebak to approve with TPC recommendation. Carried unanimous
- Driveway and turnaround at a property between 89340 and 89360 Bark Point Road in R-RB (Patric J. and Angela J. Digmann)
- Motion: by Pope/sRebak to approve with TPC recommendations. Carried unanimous
- Discussion/Likely Action related to a Class A Special Use Permit for one short-term rental at 14250 Touve Road in R-RB (Michael c. and Rebecca l. Fruncillo) (Please see TPC minutes of 9/5/23 for specifics)
- Motion: by Pope/sSteele to approve with TPC recommendations. Carried unanimous
- Discussion/Likely Action related to Initial Short-term Rental Application and License at:
- 89340 Bark Point Road (Jeremy and Sara Downs)
- Motion: by Steele/sPope to approve STR for 89340 Bark Point Road with the understanding that the Down’s will bring the driveway into compliance with the ordinance 20170510-1 S4.A2. & S4. B2. As soon as feasible. Carried unanimous
- 14250 Touve Road (Michael and Rebekka Frunncillo)
- Motion: by Popes/Steele to approve STR for 14250 Touve Road. Carried unanimous
- Public Works: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
- Discussion/Possible Action related to hiring an Engineering Firm to assist with Request for Proposal(s) for reconstructing Bark Point Road from Hesse Road northeast to the West Driveway of the Boman property—Steele
- Motion: by Popes/Steele to hiring an Local Engineering Firm Lund to assist with Request for Proposal(s) for reconstructing Bark Point Road from Hesse Road northeast to the West Driveway of the Boman. Carried Unanimous.
- Discussion/Possible Action related to Request for Proposals (RFP) to WTA facilitators provision of grant review services for either a TRID or LIRP-S application (Please see NOTE #1 below)—Steele no action
- Motion to Adjourn into Closed Session for Discussion Only not needed
- Motion to Reconvene into Open Session
- Future Agenda Items:
- Discussion/Likely Action related to Guidelines #XXXXXX, Property Owner application of Calcium Chloride to roadway adjacent to or transiting through the property
- Discussion/Likely Action regarding requirements virtual government meetings, after trial when an elected official is not available locally for a Board Meeting
- Discussion/Perhaps Action related to the establishment of Committees:–Felt
- Bark Point and Cemetery Road improvement
- On-Line Meeting related things, like procedures, equipment and the like and Social Media recommendations
- UTV/ATV/Snowmobile use of Town Roads (currently all town roads are open to UTV/ATV/Snowmobile use
- Others?
- Motion to Adjourn 7:58 p.m.
Minutes prepared by the Town Clerk
Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Town of Clover Board.