TOC Board Meeting, August 11, 2021

Town of Clover – Meeting Notice

Board Meeting

August 11, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall (gym)


Call to order

Roll call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of agenda

Public comment

Approval of minutes of the July 14, 2021 TOC Regular Board Meeting

Treasurer’s report July

Approval of expenditures* See batch T-0811

Business: Discussion and action may occur on any of the following agenda items.

Renewal of Town insurance policy with Rural Mutual Insurance Company

Act on Resolution 20210803-1 adopted by the electors at the Special Town Meeting on August 3, 2021, granting the Town Board the limited authority to grant a quit claim deed free of restrictions to the Herbster Community Church to the property described as Lot Eight (8), Block Seven (7), Plat of Orchard City.

Erin Hutchinson is seeking an exemption from the no parking ordinance on Bark Point Road adjacent to the Park Pavilion on August 21 and 22 in order to hold an event in the pavilion.

Scenic Byway report, also need for short term rental operators to comply with the rules that apply to them. Erin Hutchinson

Transient Merchant permit request by Pictured Rock adventures (Chris Prysok)

Violations on Bayfield County Inspection Report of Town campground and how to correct them.

Reaction to latest mask recommendations. Stemwedel



Town Plan Commission: Koenning no meeting

Fire Department: McGuire

Ambulance: Stemwedel

Town Park/Campground: Smith

Playground: Isaksson

Roads: Fuller

Boat Parking and Launch: Isaksson

Transfer Station: Fuller

Cemetery: Fuller

Gym: Fuller

Bark Bay Slough: Steele

Future agenda:


* Towns may adopt an alternative claims procedure ordinance under Wis. Stat. § 60.44(2) that provides an expedited process for paying all or select types of bills. This ordinance delegates primary approval authority to the clerk and allows signed checks to be distributed by the treasurer before being approved by the town board. Clerks then present a monthly list of paid claims to the town board for approval after the fact.


Agenda prepared by the Town Chair


Notice and agenda posted by the Town Clerk on or before 7:00 PM Tuesday, August 10, 2021. Posting is at the Town Hall, Fire Hall, and Post Office.  Notice and agenda are also distributed by email.

The Town Hall is accessible to those persons with physical disabilities.  For assistance, please contact the Town Office at 715-774-3780.



July 28, 2021

Division of Transportation  System Development 

Northwest Region – Eau Claire Office  718 W. Clairemont Ave.

Eau Claire, WI 54701-5108

Governor Tony Evers  Secretary Craig Thompson Internet:

Telephone: (715) 836-2891  Facsimile (FAX): (715) 836-2807




Chairman Lindgren and Chairman Fuller:


The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has completed its review and consideration of requests  to not install centerline rumble strips along the WIS 13 improvement project in Bayfield County.

As noted in previous correspondence, centerline rumble strips on rural, undivided, two-lane roadways have  been shown to reduce head-on fatal and injury crashes by 44% and, in general, reduce inattentive driving  crashes. Knowing that centerline rumbles can potentially reduce crashes and save lives, WisDOT policy  is to be proactive with their installation when repaving two-lane 55 mph roadways.

WisDOT has carefully considered noise generation in the development of our rumble strip installation  policy, and the design and horizontal locations/offsets of the rumbles are intended to minimize noise  generation. However, the rumble strip policy does allow us to provide gaps in rumble strip installations in  unique situations where noise generation will be a factor.

We had originally planned to install centerline rumble strips in the 55-mph zones of WIS 13 within the project  limits from Old 13 Road to Park Avenue. However, as the Clover Town Board noted in Resolution #20210714-1,  there are unique situations to consider not installing centerline rumble strips, such as where there are  residences nearby the road with a likelihood for noise concerns.

In reviewing the project area, WisDOT will install centerline rumble strips in the following areas:

  • Where there are no passing zones. These areas are generally around curves where centerline rumbles  would be more beneficial. These areas should not create a lot of noise occurrences, as traffic should not  be passing each other (crossing the centerline) in these areas.
  • In all other areas in which there are no residences or residences are set farther back from the roadway  and/or have a vegetation/tree growth of substantial length to absorb the sound of the rumbles.

WisDOT will not install centerline rumble strips between Clover Cemetery Road (Short Cut Road) and Park  Avenue and will provide gaps in front of residences in three additional locations as shown on the attached map.  The roadway improvement project will not include any shoulder rumble strips.

If you have any further questions regarding rumble strips for the WIS 13 project, please contact me at or (715) 836-2823.


Daniel Bieberitz, P.E., PTOE

Northwest Region Traffic Safety Engineer

Wisconsin Department of Transportation

718 W. Clairemont Avenue

Eau Claire, WI 54701

Cc: Mark Wilfert, WisDOT

Dexter Kaetterhenry, Gremmer & Associates

Larry Fickbohm, Bayfield County  Steve Sandstrom, Bayfield County  James Crandall, Bayfield County  Paul Johanik, Bayfield County

STH 13, Old 13 Rd to Bark Point Rd. (8510-00-05)  Centerline Rumble Strip locations

Gap 1,000′ in front of

Gap 800′ west of W Rd. to Tina Rd.

End Project

residence. (18140 Hwy 13)
































Old 13 Rd.

Start Project









Clover Cemetery Rd/Short

Cut Road

Locations to install centerline rumble strips =

Locations requested by township (resolution)

to not install centerline rumble strips =

Gap 1,000′ in front of residence. (18800 Hwy 13)