HCC Scholarship Application

The Scholarship Fund is open to all Town of Clover graduating seniors without regard to school attended, graduating seniors attending South Shore High School (SSHS), and homeschooled students residing within the South Shore School District, who pursue any undergraduate course of study at an accredited two or four year college, university, or technical college. The Herbster Community Club (HCC) will not award scholarships to students to attend an exclusively online school. Awards shall be paid directly to the student’s school and shall be applied to tuition, books or other related educational expense.

Students may apply/reapply for scholarship funds on an annual basis. HCC will make no more than four (4) awards to any given student and no more than one (1) award per academic year. Candidates from the Town of Clover shall be given priority consideration, providing they meet all qualifications. If there are no qualifying applicants from the Town of Clover, the award(s) may be given to any other applicant(s) from the South Shore School District.

Final determination of all scholarship awards shall be subject to review and approval by the HCC Scholarship Committee and approved by the HCC Executive Committee.

Graduating seniors seeking an initial award must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and be accepted at a school of their choice. The selection process for initial awards is based on receipt of the following:

1. HCC Scholarship Application (available at herbstercommunityclub.org)
2. High school transcript from Fall Semester of senior year evidencing a minimum GPA of
3.0 in senior year;
3. Letter from the applicant explaining intended course of study (see Application);
4. Letter of recommendation from a school faculty member or community member who
knows the applicant and can attest to the likelihood of the applicant’s success in the
student’s chosen course of study (see Application); and
5. Proof of acceptance at an institution of higher education.

The DEADLINE for graduating seniors applying for scholarship funds for Fall enrollment is April 15. All submissions must be postmarked no later than April 15 and mailed to:

Herbster Community Club Scholarship Committee
PO Box 134
Herbster, WI 54844

Applicants for subsequent awards are required to submit an official transcript from the prior year evidencing the student has maintained a GPA of 3.0, along with proof of enrollment for the next semester, and an updated HCC Scholarship Application (available at herbstercommunityclub.org).

The DEADLINE for students entering their second year of college, or beyond, is June 15. All submissions must be postmarked on or before June 15 and mailed to:

Herbster Community Club Scholarship Committee
PO Box 134
Herbster, WI 54844

All scholarship funds shall be paid by the HCC directly to the student’s educational institution on or before September 15.