Resolution #20200708-2, Designation of the Sexton

Town of Clover

Resolution #20200708-2, Designation of the Sexton


Whereas, Ordinance # 20130911-1 mandates in Section XVII, A. a resolution designating a Sexton, and

Whereas, to date there is no such resolution,

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Tim Nicoletti be designated as Sexton.


Adopted this 8th day of July, 2020

Beverly M. Steele, Chairperson           Date

Sheryl Isaksson, Supervisor                 Date

Barb Rebak, Supervisor                        Date

Jack Smith, Supervisor                         Date

Patti Stemwedel, Supervisor               Date


Attested this 8th day of July 2020 by:

Tracy Gillespey, Clerk                       Date


TC Resolution #20200708-2, Designation of the Sexton