TOC Board Meeting Minutes, August 10, 2022
Town of Clover – Minutes
Regular Board Meeting
August 10, 2022 7:00 pm
Called to order at 7:00 PM
Roll Call: Present: Steele, Gillespey, Smith, Fuller, Rebak, Morelli, Stemwedel Also present Lois Palmer, Mark Filonowich, Katherine Merrill, Elizabeth Stevens, Pete Berton .
Minutes: Approval of minutes of the July 13, 2022 TOC Regular Board Meeting.
Treasurer’s Report for July. With correction of spelling.
Expenditures: Motion by Steele/sStemwedel to approve Batch T-0810 Carried Unanimous.
Report: Announcements, Reports & Notes)
On July 2, during the recent Fourth of July weekend, the Town of Clover office was added to the list of victims of break-ins and thefts in the area. We ask you to be on the lookout for suspicious activity in your neighborhood and community and keep your ears open for anyone boasting about successful burglaries. Unfortunately, this is a county wide problem and the Bayfield County Sherriff’s Department can use any help we can give them.
Business: Discussion and action may occur on any of the following agenda items.
Renewal of policy with Rural Mutual Insurance Company.
Motion:by Stemwedel/sSmith to renew Insurance policy with Rural Mutual. Carried Unanimous.
Class A Special Use Permit for one short-term rental at 85990 Buckley Rd in A-1 zoning by Peter Spooner and Jean Larson.
Motion: by Steele/sFuller to approve Special use permit for STR at 85990 Buckley rd Peter Spooner, Jean Larson. Carried Unanimous. New driveway permit needs to be looked at.
Request of 5-day camping and boat launch donation as a raffle prize for the Corn and Brat Fest by the Herbster Community Club.
Motion: by Stemwedel/sRebak to approve request for raffle prize of 5 day camping and boat launch to the HCC for Corn and Brat fest, these will not be transferable.
Recommendations of Bayfield County Ad Hoc EMS Advisory Committee. Use this link to read entire report:
Bev to research and make changes where needed. To create Town resolution.
Expenses vs. budget for 2022. Discussion as to statis of budget mid year.
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus for Herbster Volunteer Fire Department.
Fire department is to look into getting replacements.
Requesting 2023 budget wish lists by end of August. Deadline September 14th
Town Plan Commission: meeting held and recommendations included.
Fire Department: No report
Ambulance: Stemwedel 13runs for July, thanks to Al and Richard for installing new doors. And all that helped.
Town Park/Campground: some projects getting completed and booked full.
Playground: slide replacement,is waiting for install
Roads: Fuller LRIP submitted
Parking and Launch:
Transfer Station: Fuller recycling dumpster helping.
Cemetery: Rebak nothing new
Gym: Fuller portable air conditioner recieved
Bark Bay Slough:
Future agenda:
Resolution Ambulance Service.
Motion to Adjourn By Consensus: 8:02 pm
Minutes prepared by the Town Clerk
Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Town of Clover Board.