TOC Sanitary District Meeting July 7 2024

Town of Clover Sanitary District– Meeting Notice


Wednesday, July 10, 2024 to follow immediately after the Town Board Meeting in the Town Hall/Historic Gymnasium. 

The public is invited to attend.  You may walk at any time.  You will need to sign for the record, but there is no requirement to sign in separately if you wish to speak during the Public Comment Periods.  You may comment on anything that is not on the agenda during the General “Public Comments”.  You may comment on any specific Agenda Item prior to the Commissioners discussion.  Each comment by a specific person will be limited to three (3) minutes.


Call to Order:

Roll Call:

Public Comment:

Minutes of: (see Packets)

  • June 12
  • June 26

Treasurer’s Reports: (see Packets)

  • June

ExpendituresMotion to approve batch S-0710



Business: (NOTE: Public Comments specific to any agenda item will be taken prior to the particular agenda item, these will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker.  Following this, the discussion will be limited to Elected Officials, unless an Elected Official requests specific information from a member of the Public)


  • Discussion/Likely Action related to 2024 Goals, the item regarding deep dive into 20% of Manholes—Steele
  • Follow up/Possible Action on Disposition of Old Emergency Pump–Steele


Any Further Agenda Items for Next Month or Later:

  • Discussion/Likely Action related to review and update of CMOM Steps V—Defer to August Meeting


  • Motion to adjourn

Agenda prepared by the Commission President.

Notice and agenda posted by the Clerk on or before 7:00 PM Tuesday, July 9, 2024. Posting is at the Town Hall, Post Office and Town Website.  Distributed e-mail group also.

The Town Hall is accessible to those persons with physical disabilities.  For assistance, please contact the Town Office at 715-774-3780.


Note #1:  The Operator-in-Chief of the Town of Clover Sanitary District resigned.  At the May 22 Special Commission Meeting the Commission approved the offer made by the Town of Bell SD Commission to utilize their Operator-in-Chief until we can grow our own.  This will take a minimum of 1 year.  During that time the covering Operator-in-Chief will educate Ken Pearson, the current TOC SD employee in all the operations necessary to run the TOC SD.  Once it is deemed that Ken has mastered a task, then he can perform these operations on his own.  Some of these operations require 2 employees for safety.  Thus, the TOC SD needs to hire another part-time employee (hopefully one that already knows these tasks, thus no need for advertisement).  This would provide the most cost-effective means of covering the needs of the system.  To have the TOB Operator-in-Chief helping with these tasks, after Ken has mastered them would be much more costly.

Note #2:  A large part of the old Emergency Pump (WWII vintage) is no longer functional (parts are no longer produced for it) and it is on the floor of the SD Building taking up valuable real estate, as well as blocking access to some of the plasticized AsBuilts for the Collection System (these go out into the field without damage to the AsBuilt).  We will, perhaps, tour the SD Building as we make our decision.



  • Procedures: Modified Procedure #20240508-2, Procedure for Communications both Internal and External including Disaster update contact information for current Commission and employees
  • SD Deed Issues:
    • The Land Records Office at Bayfield County lists all of Cornell Town Park as SD. Steele took a copy of the deed from 1986 to the Land Records Office asking that the records be corrected to reflect the portion Cornell Town Park the belongs to the SD.  Steele subsequently received a call from the Lands Records Office stating that no correction could be made and this deed is not complete.  Steele was told that it was lacking some markers, that a certified survey is not required, that a Certified Surveyor needs to complete the deed.  Steele made a visit to Nelson Surveyors in Ashland and indeed the deed is incomplete.  Among the ways this could be corrected is to engage the Town Attorney to help with the legal aspects of the deed revision and Nelson Surveyors will mark the boundaries and complete the Deed, then the Town Attorney will take the necessary action to make the thing legal.  This was the least expensive method of dealing with this issue.  The Attorney agreed to help and notified Nelson Surveyors of this, Steele signed an agreement with Nelson Surveyors and they will notify Steele about a week prior to doing the work so Steele can meet with them and indicate where the markers should be.  This is necessary at the Town of Clover is in the process of developing a walking/running path from the Historic Gymnasium to the Campground that includes land at Cornell Town Park.  This trail will hold several fitness stations along it’s length.
  • Operations:
    • All the required monthly inspection, testing and reports were completed for May including the monthly DNR Report.
    • Raw Lab Reports:
    • Dump Station Reports:
      • Birch Street: May: 
      • #2: May:  9859 gal.  None from outside TOC
    • The Manhole that is a safety valve with a pipe of about 95’ 6” pipe leading out into the receiving pad of cell #1 became blocked. The Vacuum truck for Duluth came out and were unable to get their hose beyond the 90 degree angle as the manhole dumps down and out to the pad.  They suggested that the TOC thawing pump with its thin, long hose might be able to clear the blockage.  A 100’ hose was able to go into the dump pipe, but was not “long enough” to clear the blockage.  This hose was withdrawn and another 100’ of hose was attached.  This hose could not clear greater than 20’.  The plumber that worked on the Campground was contacted and does have a greater than 100’ roto-rutter.  This Plumber came out and attempted to clear the blockage.  They were able to utilize the full 125’ of hose, and retrieved a shredded towel in the tip of the action head.  This, still, did not result in acceptable discharge from the involved manhole with the extensive pipe out in to the pond.  They suggested that we call Superior Plumbing of Ashland (this plumbing group is the Plumber of choice for the Ashland Sanitary District.  The Crew went up to the offending manhole on the morning prior to when Superior Plumbing was to arrive.  They emptied the manhole to the Plumbers could have immediate access to the exit from the manhole.  Somehow, with this action the manhole began to dump water easily.  The Crew continued carrying water up and dumping it into the manhole with excellent results for ½ hour.  The Plumbers were already on their way.  It was decided to have the pipe blown out by this group, and with the first injection of water under pressure, a large amount of dark material burst forth from the pond end of the influent end.  This procedure was repeated a 2nd time with results that were clear.  We will add cleaning of all the manholes and pipes at the ponds to the every 15 year cleaning of the Robust Maintenance Program.  It is believed that these pipes and manholes have had no routine cleaning since the system came on line in 1986.
    • The process for dumping the ponds is nearly complete. Cell #2 was dumped, and Cell #1 is in the process of being dumped into Cell #1.  The TOC SD needs to purchase an Oxygen meter, and Ken on conjunction with the covering Operator-in-Chief, Kriss Johnson is in the process of purchasing this meter.
    • The daily log of activities performed by the Ken is in the pilot stage of going on line. This will allow for these maintenance activities to go directly to the appropriate chart of the Robust Preventative Program, with monthly printing of the same, so that those required activities not yet performed are displayed to facilitate completion of the program annually, and thus be reported to the Commission annually at the January meeting for the previous year.