TOC Meeting Minutes 6/12/2024

Town of Clover – Minutes

Regular Board Meeting

June 12, 2024


Call to order: 7:00 pm

Roll Call: Present:  Steele, Madison, Felt, Pope, Gillespey, Mintzlaff, Morelli, absent Smith, Pete Berton, Elizabeth Stevens, Marshawn Pikus, Roger Pikus, Lois Palmer, Cindy Lazorik, Dan Zak, Deb Baillie, Mike Sine, Joseph Abhold, Jen Schierman, Tim Heistein, Mary Ernst, Bill Ernst, John Mundahl

Pledge of Allegiance:

NOTE:  The Regular Town of Clover Meeting will be adjourned at or about 8:00 pm.  The Chair may reorder the agenda to accommodate the time limit.


  • Transfer Station now in summer hours–Saturdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm and Wednesdays from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Road Review: June 20 @ noon, gather at the Historic Gymnasium


  • The ATV,UTV/Snowmobile Ad Hoc Committee submitted ~4 pages of individual recommendations.  These recommendations are being distributed to the Board Members with supporting documents for their study.  Action related to these recommendations will be considered at the July Board Meeting.  These recommendations require more time and study than can be done at this Board Meeting.
  • Pothole repairs have begun on paved roads, beginning with Bark Point Road

Reports: (Please see Reports below or distributed in the packets, or perhaps only Oral).

General Public Comment: Comments from 3 on ATV/UTV Snowmobile use.

Review Minutes for additions, deletions &/or corrections: (see packets)

  • May 8, 2024
  • May 15, 2024, approved with addition to minutes
  • May 22, 2024

Treasurer’s Report for:

  • May

ExpendituresMotion to approve the expenditure Batch

  • T-0612
  • Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve batch T-0612 Carried unanimously.

BUSINESS: (NOTE: Public Comments specific to any Main Heading, i.e. Government, Public Works etc. of the agenda will be taken prior to that agenda section, these will be limited to 3 minutes per speaker.  Following this, the discussion will be limited to Elected Officials (unless an Elected Official requests specific information from a member of the Public)

 Government: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section

    • Discussion/Likely Action related to:
      • Committee Appointments: Steele
        • TPC: Katheryn Merrill (3-year term, ends April 30, 2027) -Steele

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to appoint Katheryn Merrill to the TPC for a 3-year term that will be ending on April 30, 2027. Carried unanimously

 Liquor License Permits—Gillespey

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve the renewal of a class B Liquor License for Cranberry over Lake Superior. Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve the operating license for Cindy Carpenter. Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve the operating license for Joanne Weishar.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve the renewal of a class B Liquor License for Elsie Blue/Timber Bar. One recusal. Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve the operating license for Myla Lahti.

One recusal. Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve the operating license for Robert Schierman.

One recusal. Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve the operating license for Corrine Gumke.

One recusal. Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve the operating license for Kristin Mintzlaff.

One recusal. Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve the operating license for Kim Murphy.

One recusal. Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to approve the operating license for Teddy Adams.

One recusal. Carried unanimously.


  • Short Term Rental Permits: (see Packets)

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Maureen Felt.  One recusal. Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Michael and Rebecca Francillo.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Richard Glau.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Luke Grosskreutz.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Eileen Karpfinger.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Kevin Killam.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Scott and Christina McLewin.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Jack Nixon.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Scott Sample.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Robert and Jennifer Schierman.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Brett and Ann Tully at 14835 Hultman.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Brett and Ann Tully 14845 Hultman.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Michael Vanasse.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Yuriko Vaughan.  Carried unanimously.

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to approve the annual short term rental renewal for Greg Wilson.  Carried unanimously.

IT/Security committee: Felt/Gillespey

Motion by: Pope/sFelt to bring forth research and proposal to the top five recommendations on the proposal from the IT/Security committee.  Carried unanimously.

 Public Works: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section

    • Discussion/Likely Action related to:
  • Public Works: Public Comment regarding any of the items in this section
    • Discussion/Likely Action related to:
      • Employee Handbook revision A to perhaps F to page 4, 5.6—Steele (see packets) deffered

Motion by: Felt/sMadison to approve suspension of employee personal use of the town garage until further paperwork is researched.  Carried unanimously.

  • Transfer Station Fees: (see Packets for amended full Fees and Forfeiture Document)
    • Change small bag from $3.00 to $2.00 No action taken.
    • Add 40-gal bag–$8.00

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to add the addition of a 35-to-40-gallon garbage bag for the price of $10. Carried unanimously.

  • Health and Human Services:
    • Discussion/Perhaps Action related to Department of Health (Anne Coy) suggests perhaps placing permanent signage re Swimming Hazzard when indicated along the TOC Beach(s)—Steele (see Note #2 below) by consensus to get 5 posts and signs for placing permanent signage regarding Swimming Hazzard postings.
  • Education, Culture & Recreation:
    • Discussion/Perhaps Action related to Port-a-Potty at the playground—Steele/J. Scheirman

Motion by: Pope/sMadison to place a port a potty at the town playground area.   Carried unanimously.

  • Future Agenda Items:
    • Discussion/Perhaps Action related to replacing BPR culverts between Hesse Road and Bowman west driveway, not including those on the hill plus the culvert going toward Bark Bay Road from BPR on Lefty’s Road that currently moves the drainage from the hill. Likely contingent upon 2025 Budget proposal


Note #1:  Thus far this season there have been two (2) separate occasions where “swim at your own risk” warnings have been posted.  This posting has been near the walkway to the beach at the Campground, lake front parking lot.  Each of these two (2) warnings have been short lived (strong bacteria with weekly sampling and the follow-up sample on the next day having low counts) thus the warning is taken down.  Anne Coy, Administrator, Bayfield County Health Department reports that the Health Department has a grant for procuring signage for the beaches of Bayfield County.  She is suggesting that perhaps the original sign(s) for the Town of Clover be placed on the taller posts and then have smaller ones as follows: one (1) at the fisherman’s beach parking area and two (2) or three (3) at the different access points for campground beaches, one (1) somewhere around the campground registration building, and one (1) for the playground beach.

Note #2:  The Bayfield County Health Department samples Lake Superior Town of Clover waters weekly during the camping season and depending on the results is posting a sign that warns folk to swim at their own risk.  This sign has been posted at the Lake Superior Parking Lot at the Campground.  On two (2) occasions thus far this season the samples have come back positive (above threshold bacteria) so a sign has been posted to “swim at your own risk”.  The follow-up sample taken the next day on each occasion has come back negative, thus the sign has been removed on the follow-up day.  There is only one sign.  The Bayfield Health Department has money to post more than one sign at various places in Town.  It is suggested that the main (large) sign remain at the Lake Superior Parking lot at the Campground, with several smaller signs posted in the following locations:  Fisherman’s Parking=1; Playground on the lake side of the road=1; at the check-in station at the Campground=1; and other places along the lake side of the Campground=2-3.  Our decision needs to be to the Health Department ASAP to facilitate ordering the signage.


            TPC- No meeting

  • Ambulance: Felt – nothing to report
  • Fire Department: Felt – 0 call. 1 possible new volunteer.
  • Health and Human Services:

Cemetery:  Steele – sign for Kiosk, one burial.

  • Education Culture and Recreation:

Campground:  Morelli – Host B left, doing parking lot improvements, temporary help for cleaning bathrooms.

Playground:  Steele/Madison – needs some improvements, rubber mats for under the swings, some repainting needed, and the ramp can use some fixing.

Boat Parking: Pope – No parking signs are up.

Bark Bay Slough:  Pope – No report.


                        Filling potholes and mowing ditches.


  • Motion to Adjourn 8:58 p.m.

Minutes prepared by the Town of Clover Deputy Secretary.

Minutes are unofficial until approval by the Town of Clover Board.