TOC Public Budget Hearing, November 7, 2020

Town of Clover


Notice of a Public Budget Hearing for the Town of Clover, Bayfield County




            Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, November 7, 2020 at 10:00am, at the Town Hall of Town of Clover (Historic Gymnasium) a PUBLIC HEARING on the PROPOSED 2021 BUDGET of the Town of Clover in Bayfield County will be held.  The proposed budget in detail will be available for inspection at the town clerk’s office after October 21st  (715)774-3780.


NOTE:  Masks are required and seating will spaced at least 6’ distanced.


Posted the 21st  day of October, 2020 at the Town Hall, Post Office and Town of Clover Website.  Notice also distributed by email.

Tracy Gillespey, Clerk

Town of Clover